So i turned 21.
wanna know somethings i learned?
1.that i was not drunk enough to not pour the coffee in the cup.
(the french press my mother bought me was broken!)
2. Chanpange even though pretty gives a horrid hangover.
3. Worst birfhday of my life was made better by a friend sitting in the rain with me by a bon-fire
doing her organic chemistry while i tipsy talked.
4. i phones = pure love.
(yes i got one!)
5. camping is fun.
campfires are fun.
fires are hot.
(i have a burn mark on my hand to prove it)
6.Turning 21 is the only time it is appropriate to drunk text
(and to leave your older brother silly voice mails.)
7. laughing in the Wal-mart parking making coke floats at 2 am is just what the doctor order.
8. Spam is good.
that's right at age 21 i realized my love for meat in a can.
(hopefully this will pass)
9. cupcakes are yum!
10. i am who i am.
and i control my own happiness.
ps i spoiled my self by buying the mini series TIN MAN.
(everyone should watch that show!)
and by painting my nails RED!
also via Ellen this is my birfhmonth i should do as i please!