Sunday, February 28, 2010

My 1st Sewing Adventure!

Hi (waves)
so wanna know what i did today?
(do i hear a yes?
i completed my 1st monthly sewing challenge!
yes it was a little last min.
yes its only a skirt.
no you do not get to see it today....sorry
but i want to add a little something to the bottom to liven it up!
i will post pics tomorrow pink swear!
i know the pic is a little crazy. but it was me right before i did the lay on the floor and consider this project bigger than me bit. it was fun and lasted for about an hour. yeah i sometimes act like a 3 year old no big.

How was your weekend?

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Got The Winter Blues.


Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

So for the next few seconds
pretend you are warm.
and it not February.
and you remember what the sun feels like.
(that's what i have done)

also 18 followers this made my week!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010


i don't have a lover on this February the 14th
and it would be a lie if i told you it does not bother me
because it does,
but life goes on.
So here is a list of 10 things i love about my life.

1. My Friends

they are my family without them i have no clue who or where i would be
to me they are love.

2. my job
yeah i work at a bookstore.
yeah i would rather read a book than go on a date.
yeah i know that's lame
your mom. :)

3. weekly Amanda hang outs.
there backkk.
she makes me food we watch tv.
welcome to my life.

4. potbear
....yeah i still sleep with a teddy bear.
no i am not 12...

5. The fact that sometimes i can look like Zooey Deschanel or Adurey Hupburn

6. that i laugh out loud (really loudly, mixed with a snort! ) when i think something is funny.
i love to laugh.

7. i no longer think crying is a weakness.
i find it beautiful.
kinda like a puzzle.

8. i know i am worth loving.

9. i still toss pennies in the fountain at the mall.
i no longer wish to be a mermaid, but i always make the
same wish.

10. the fact that i have 14 followers!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wanna Know what I LOVE?

Free Give-aways! check this out!

p.s. i hope i win!
p.s. i adore her (not saying this to win, she is my 13th follower btw) :D
p.s.s. i sent the boy i like a v-day card, fingers crossed!
p.s.s.s. post in the works!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet.

Brennan: Two plus two equals four. I put sugar in my coffee and it tastes sweet. The sun comes up because the world turns. These things are beautiful to me. There are mysteries I will never understand, but everywhere I look I see proof that for every effect there is a corresponding cause. Even if I can't see it. I find that reassuring. - Bones "Devil in the Details"

If you wanna know who I am a lot of me lies in that quotes above.

I don't trust people and that my friends keeps me from falling in love. I might have recently met a REALLY cool (and beautiful) boy, but if somethings don't change about me I will ALWAYS wake up alone (that is not something I want). How can I trust the sun to not disappoint me and not this boy (I am trying the innocent until proven guilty thing) . So I am daring my self to put my heart out their. Maybe it will break maybe it wont. There is only one way to find out.