Monday, September 13, 2010


are you guys crazy!?
i am so happy to have 40 followers! 
way to be hard core people! 


The Childlike Empress said...

yio, i'm crazy.
glad to know i'm in good company

meg fee said...

this i too cute!

i know what you mean about not wanting to be "that girl" but we're so much more than that. and sometimes we just gotta go through it, right? we're gonna be okay. we really are!!

oh yes, djokovic (spelling?) is pretty dreamy too, i get it!! someday we'll hit up a big tennis tournament together and enjoy the sun and the vip box we happen to find ourselves in!


Anonymous said...

yay for all your followers! xo

lauren brimley said...

I looooooove the glasses.

jules! ( said...

hahaha you're cute!
congrats! hardcore for suuuure!