Until today i can not remember EVER eating a zucchini. I am happy to tell you, i think they are the bomb like tick tock. if you ask my family how well i know my zucchini they will tell you a funny (they think its hilarious) story on how over the summer i was convinced that the zucchini were cucumbers, i thought aliens had taken over our garden. sadly i was mistaken.
How do you feel about me with a knife? eak!
Wanna try this? tell me... i will hook you up!
The fact that you did not have to cook the noodles was blowing my grandmother mind, no lies there!
I love this apron. Confession wearing aprons makes me fell connected to my grandmothers, because both of them stayed home to take care of their family's.
A few hours later... (ok not that long, but my tummy was grumbling)
But the wait was so worth it. my mom said she thought it was better than an old Italian granny could do. ummm considering my mom and i get along about as well as Lorelai and Emily its kinda a big deal.
The Lessons i learned today.
*never skip morning coffee
*don't try to eat cereal on the way to class.
*if it says prep time 15 mins please add an hour, i am not Paula Dean, though i do love sweet tea!
*hide the cupcakes.
*that a homemade meal taste better no matter what.
The End
What did you learn today friend?
veggie lasagna is so yummy!!
ummmm you are telling me i think i have a new love! i refused to let my brother eat it bc it would have just been a waste! true story!
I love those lasagna noodles that cook in the oven. Although, my oven sometimes doesn't cook them all the way. I have a shoddy oven.
Your lasagna looks good!
ohhh not to the shoddy oven! our oven is green and from the 70's and you have to stay there and watch it or bad things will happen!
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