Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 1

SO. today was the 1st day!
and i think it turned out AMAZING, or at least that is what my tummy has said!

Break to the i wish it was Fast.

I would love love love to show you pictures of my breakfast, but sadly i chose sleep over making de foodz so it was a cup of Joe for me! i know all of you are highly intelligent and don't need a pic of this!
cup of Joe= de coffee= me not killing annoying customers at the JOB!


Tuna and water. sick to the nast i know. ohh wait a sour patch kid! yurp that's right ONE Sour Patch Kid.


was amazing to be honest, and not so humble!

Attention all men! I Made This. and it was YUMMY and NOT BURNT! i will make some one a wonderful wife!

I got the HAPPY Plate Award! WHAT WHAT!

so now i am off to snuggle under the covers with my puppy and read. maybe a bowl of yogurt, if i am feeling crazy!


S said...

No I'm not social enough to have a twitter :)

~M~ said...

Any morning started with coffee is a good one!

xoxoKrysten said...

Mmm yummy!

Allison said...

I love this! That dinner looks mighty delish, and your plate is ADORABLE.. just thought I'd say. :D