If you wanna know who I am a lot of me lies in that quotes above.
I don't trust people and that my friends keeps me from falling in love. I might have recently met a REALLY cool (and beautiful) boy, but if somethings don't change about me I will ALWAYS wake up alone (that is not something I want). How can I trust the sun to not disappoint me and not this boy (I am trying the innocent until proven guilty thing) . So I am daring my self to put my heart out their. Maybe it will break maybe it wont. There is only one way to find out.

I'm the same way, unfortunately. But that barrier has been slowly coming down, only if I get too close I find myself putting it back up again.
me too!
risking is how to make change! crossing my fingers for you ♥
Thank you so much for that! It was really encouraging!
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