So i am going to change them...
This is my list.
1. Dance once a day.
2. If something is bad. Find the good and let that be my happiness.
3. Work-out 5 days a week. (yoga daily)
4. Don't put homework off.
5. Enjoy where i am in my life, but don't let this stop me from growing.
6. Laugh daily.
7. Hug at least one person a day.
8. Get more protein/ eat more organic.
9. Do something nice for some one i don't know.
10. Be more understanding.
11. Make new friends, and keep the old. ( some are silver.... others gold!)
12. Don't put things off.
14. Write daily.
15. Be myself. Love the people in my life. Smile.
Also are any of you reading any good books? Listening to any new tunes? Tell me about it in the comment box!