Sunday, March 21, 2010

Things are gonna change

I feel like some things need to change.
So i am going to change them...

This is my list.

1. Dance once a day.

2. If something is bad. Find the good and let that be my happiness.

3. Work-out 5 days a week. (yoga daily)

4. Don't put homework off.

5. Enjoy where i am in my life, but don't let this stop me from growing.

6. Laugh daily.

7. Hug at least one person a day.

8. Get more protein/ eat more organic.

9. Do something nice for some one i don't know.

10. Be more understanding.

11. Make new friends, and keep the old. ( some are silver.... others gold!)
12. Don't put things off.

14. Write daily.

15. Be myself. Love the people in my life. Smile.

Also are any of you reading any good books? Listening to any new tunes? Tell me about it in the comment box!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Weekly Tunes

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Listen to The Rocket Summer

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones

Spring Break

I have been a little MIA
Sorry about that..
Its SpringBreak...
no i have not had very many big plans.
Well i am having a Very HarryPotter Weekend with
(check her out)
But other than that i have been
at my parents work....
I put in my two week at
the book store.
I have been really happy these last few days.

so happy i scream out because of random happiness.
I am that happy.
It might be because of off the happy music i have been listening too.
(its in the post above bc today i am lazy...)
or i could be happy bc this is the newest member of my family...
idk why i am so happy
but i am.
i plan on staying that way.
i will catch up on my emails i pinky swear!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

And now the moment you have all been waiting for.
Its the end of the first month
of my one year
( i am thinking i will probably learn more about myself during this "adventure" than sewing.)
*i already learned that i am way stubborn.
**and that sewing makes me really happy
Are you ready?
you best be ready for this
BC hemming this skirt was the best part of
my Monday.
yeah i was a grumpface today
i am blaming it on the Thin Mints!
*don't ask. :D
Meet Frankenskirt.
she's alive
or at least yesterday i thought she was.
this might be one of the UGLIEST Skirt's ever made,
but ohh buddy am i proud of it!

another thing I'm proud of
is i finally got a Septic Letter
strange i know... don't be judging.
concerning a house my mother is selling
(that's right my mother is a realtor.)
(that's right i work for my mother.)
*lets not dwell on the bad now
back to the Septic Letter.
lets just say i have called the Health Dpt
4 times a day for a week.
and lets just say
i really don't like
little miss health all.
but its ok because i have the letter!
*we needed it to help the loan go through
** i have no idea i am just the paper pusher.
This is my suck it Health Department Lady face!