Sunday, April 4, 2010

So don't be mad

I would love to blame the fact that
i have not made this months
sewing mission
on the fact that
1 it was my father birfhday
2 i had tons of homework
3 spring break
4 mini vaca with le famo
but those all sound like excuses...
(bc they are)
honestly i was just kinda uninspired
so sorry.
but this means i must make one thing a week.
along with something for April.
sorry if i disappointed you
i pinky swear to make it up too you!


Anonymous said...

those all seem like proper excuses :)!

I Think My Tummy Hurts said...

heeey! yes, we most certainly can bee best bloggin amigas! and don't worry about the ole sewing delay. subconsciously you are probably just biding your time so you can make something super super awesome. and, i liked your list from your last post. esp #5. i should remind myself of that more often!