Thursday, August 5, 2010

I tried to be like Grace Kelly

When i drive
i wrap a scarf around my head
so i don't arrive to work with "bed head"
secretly i hope the people that drive past me
think i am as elegant as Grace Kelly.

Hey don't laugh at this girl for wishing!
Wanna know the best thing about Thursdays!?


erin said...

i love that! so cute.

I Think My Tummy Hurts said...

Do yo thang, girl!

Also, just read your Harry Potter post and it made me cry happy tears.

The Childlike Empress said...

I love this!

i also love the fact that Grace Kelly became a gives me hope.

miss teacups said...

you are so cute. i've always wanted to rock that look...the car is a good place to do so!! i don't drive so i'm usually in the passenger side or backseat and the person in front always asks (when the windows open) "is it too windy" and i'm polite so i reply "nooo..." meanwhile my hair's being blown to pieces. i'm going to try this next time!!