Wednesday, August 4, 2010

To my Future Care Taker

Dear Husband,

When i am sick i am pathetic. I lay in bed all day and don't feel guilty that nothing has been cleaned around the house. i make it a point to stay in my pj's and to only drink sprite.  I demand Chinese food for EVERY meal. I refuse to take cough medicine, remind me to tell you the Manda Story one will make you laugh.  i watch tons of movies, some of them girly flicks...sorry about that.   i know you can't wait to take care of your sick bum of a future wife.
really cool pj's!

Tons of love,
Your Future Care Taker. 


Kyla Makay said...

Did I write that?????!!!!

I think I did... hmmm... ha. ;)

TRUE girl... True!

HanPlans said...

Sounds like me! Except I always fancy KFC which is like completely unhealthy lol. I had a really bad cold over Christmas and on Christmas Eve at like 10 to midnight I got the crazy chicken craving lol.

molly said...
