Monday, August 23, 2010

Left unsaid, things not done.

So this week one of my friends passed away. It was really sudden she and she was only 22. To say this was a shock is an understatement, i only left my bed once yesterday. When you were around her you could not help but to be happy she was all smiles and had a heart that was made to love the unlovable. I need to remember this and become that type of person.  Life has brought some amazing people into my world but time has taken them away too soon. So this my friends is what i have learned from them.

* "Hold on to what you got."

*Things could ALWAYS be worse. So be happy where you are. Don't dwell in your own sadness.

*Be nice to strangers. Because you have no clue what others lives are like.

* Laugh.

* Reading young adult fiction is always a good idea!

*Things will change no matter how bad things are... they will change.

*When you get married you are married you work on  loving that person until the day you die.

*Dance in parking lots during the middle of the day.

* Love the people in your life even if they make you crazy.

*Glee is always a good idea.

*Don't grow up.

* Life is too short to not marry the person you love.

* When some one is giving you the stink eye... stick your tongue out at them.

*Being bald is beautiful.

*When at a loss for words ask others "What cha know." Their response may surprise you.

* Laugh All the Time.

*See the world.

*When in doubt wear cowboy boots.

*Be where you are.

* Most of all be your own person. If some one does not like you for being yourself they don't need to be in your life.

I hope you learned something  from my amazing friends and they lessons their amazing lives taught me...


jade-lauren said...

this is beautiful<3


AbbieBabble said...

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I love this list, though- it's important to remember what people add to our lives, and this is a perfect way to do it.

chelsea rebecca said...

i am so sorry for your loss.
its so important to remember everything you listed!

lots of hugs

meg fee said...

lots of love to you right now. i am so deeply sorry for your loss. but you're right, everything changes, things will get better. what a gorgeous list you've posted, i will carry this with me for a very long time.
